Mar 30, 2009
Week 12 training
With 5 weeks to go, here's where I stand so far in my training, and what I have on my plate this week.
Week 11 mileage: 48.25 (10K walk, not included in mileage)
Weeks 0-11 mileage: 453.56
Week 12 schedule:
M: rest
T: 2GP/4x2T, 2:00 recovery jog in between/3GP, yoga
W: WT, 3 miles + 6x100 S
Th: 90-min run, including 8:00-10:00 TUT, yoga
F: rest
Sa: 4 miles, WT
Su: 19 miles
Mar 29, 2009
Race Day Report - AHA 5K Run For Your LIfe
Well, that was the PLAN. The plan went straight down the drain inside of the first 1/4 mile. LOL.
I actually felt decent when I woke up, no soreness at all in the legs, which was a surprise. I wasn't sore yesterday either, and I'd thought that perhaps whatever soreness I didn't feel yesterday, I would today. Didn't happen. Conditions today weren't great. 40 degrees, 10-20 mph wind out of the south. Course doesn't have a flat spot on it. Just rolls up & down the whole way. Got out pretty quickly, felt strong, wind in my back a little at the start (we ran east, then back to the west, from downtown on 5th street, down Columbia Blvd, out to Kemper and back). That kinda made me feel like I could really run fast. And that's when I decided that I was going to run, not jog. Nice & easy was no longer my plan. Yet, I'd say I only ran at about 75%. I was smart enough to not run all-out at any point, not even for a sprint to the finish. Just ran steady.
Final time: 22:08 (7:08/mile). That was good for 7/116 in my division (good for $10 gift certificate - woohoo! - my first "prize") , 69/859 males, 82/1718 overall. In my division, 12 seconds separated 4th & 7th. I could have taken 12 seconds off, for sure. Not important though. I'm really pleased with my result, especially after an 18-mile long run the day before. I now think I can do a 21-minute 5K, for sure. Gonna prep for some 5K's and 10K's this summer to see what I can do, before deciding on a fall marathon. While it likely doesn't mean much for the Pig in 5 weeks, it was incredibly encouraging, from an overall running perspective. So I couldn't be much happier tonight.
And later, I did walk the 10K with my wife, so at least I stuck with part of my plan. Ah, best laid plans. Gotta love 'em.
Mar 27, 2009
A plea to drivers everywhere
Let me begin by saying I know the roads are meant for being driven on. Our society would virtually shutdown if it weren’t for automobiles and roads for them to travel on. But let me also say that these roads are accessible to many other types of travelers, such as cyclists and runners. Yet, all too often, drivers seem unwilling to take them into consideration. Since I’m a runner, I’ll continue from that perspective. Yet, most of what I say could apply to cyclists as well.
Last night, I spent 90 minutes running out on the roads of Liberty Township, where I live. During those 90 minutes, I must have nearly gotten hit by a vehicle no less than 30 times. Honestly, I wish I was exaggerating. I found myself getting more & more upset as each person seemed to get closer & closer. I went from swearing under my breath, to swearing out loud as I threw my hands up the air, and looking back at the driver who just passed, as if to say “WTF?!? How close you plan on getting?!?” Hey folks, FYI, that sideview mirror is a lot closer than you might think! I finished my run and couldn’t believe what had just gone on. Now, I’m accustomed to the occasional driver nearly clipping me, but this last night was unbelievable. I’ve never had to avoid so many cars during one run. One guy literally swerved TOWARD me, about 150 feet before he reached me! I had to jump 6 feet over, into the embankment by the road. YO! PAY ATTENTION JACKASS! I’m embarrassed to say that he got the “Your #1 sign” from me. But chances are, he never bothered to look in his rearview mirror to see what I thought of him. Eh, whatever. But at that point in the night, I’d had enough. More than enough.
Liberty Township, as opposed to somewhere like Hyde Park, has very few long stretches of sidewalk for runners who plan to run any significant distances. Therefore, we are essentially required to share the roads with local motorists. And we’re all more than willing to do so. We don’t mind, provided we get one thing in return…that drivers have the same kind of courtesy towards runners when it comes to sharing. Now, I don’t mean all motorists are like this. The vast majority are not. Most slow down and/or slide over in their lane just to be sure they don’t strike the runner. You know the ones I love? The ones who slow down in order that they can time it with oncoming traffic so they can slide over and provide ample room to the runner coming towards them. They do this instead of zooming past at 60 mph and not moving over because “the other lane had traffic in it, so they couldn’t”. Yeah, baby! They’re the best. They get it. I love you folks! But all too often there are those who think the road belongs to them, and only them. The road is only there to get their car from here to there. So they hug the shoulder like it’s their God-given right. That somehow it’s the runner’s job to avoid being hit by the car, not the other way around.
Now I know what some of these drivers are saying. Why can’t runners just run in their safe, little subdivisions where the only thing to fear is the occasional dog that gets loose from his backyard? It shouldn’t matter where they run, just that they run. Well, that’s a good question. Let me answer it by asking those same drivers a question. Why don’t you eat plain white rice and boiled chicken for every meal, drink just water, and take a multi-vitamin to get sufficient vitamins, minerals and nutrients? Because that would be boring, and you’d go out of your mind within a few days! Same with runners. While some of us do like to run through our neighborhoods from time to time, we can’t log 50 miles a week (some log many, many more) running through a subdivision. It’s not practical, and it’s not enjoyable. But most importantly, we have every right to run out on the roads as drivers have to drive on them. It’s no different than that same white rice & chicken eater having every right to grill up a ribeye steak, bake up a giant baked potato and load it with butter, sour cream & cheese, and wash it all down with a cold beer. (Pause while I wipe the drool off my chin, because that sounds killer-good right now!) We all need variety, and we need it in most every aspect of our lives. From the food we eat, the shows we watch, the clothes we wear, and yes, the routes we run.
Now, at this point, I should say that the runner DOES have some responsibilities here that they must take seriously:
First, run INTO oncoming traffic. They can see you, you can see them.
Second, run with your head up. Trust me, your shoes look the same as they did when you left the house. Not to mention, when someone does get too close, you need to know that evasive action may be necessary…very quickly.
Third, wear easily visible clothes, especially if you’re out there when it’s dark. The darker it is, the more reflective wear and flashing LED lights you need to have on you, in order to be seen. No nighttime running ninjas, please.
Fourth, and maybe it’s just me, but I think you should show some gratitude to those who show you courtesy. Offer a small wave, or tip of the hat, to those who clearly have you in mind as they drive by. Yeah, you may do this a hundred times during your run. But if you want consideration from them, it can’t hurt to show your appreciation of said consideration. Fair is fair.
Drivers, if we follow these rules, can we get the kind of respect from you that we feel we deserve? Yes, I know it might be 5PM, and you’ve had a hard day at work, and you just want to get home, and have dinner, and enjoy some well earned relaxation. That is assuming you don’t have soccer, or baseball practice to run your kids to. Dance recitals, and girl scouts. Believe me, I know. But slowing down a bit, and clearing a little bit of room for others, isn’t going to significantly delay your arrival to wherever you are going. And just because your one-ton vehicle outweighs me by 1,840 pounds, and can reach speeds many multiples faster than the human body can achieve, it doesn’t give you the right to play target practice with runners like me out there. No, really. It doesn’t.
So as we approach spring, consider this. People are getting outside and enjoying what nature has to offer. Some walk, some run, some bike. Some do it with no formal goal in mind, they just want to get out of the house. At the other end of the spectrum, others might be training for upcoming spring races, like Cincinnati’s very own Flying Pig Marathon. Regardless of why we’re out there, on behalf of all of us pedestrians, let me ask you drivers to do us a favor.
Mar 25, 2009
Oh so tired
OMG, this workout kicks my ass!!!! I was so exhausted when I finished this last night.
On Monday, I decided not to lift b/c I didn't have enough time to get a proper, full workout in before my soccer match. I'll go tonight & Friday and get that in. So anyway, I decided instead to get on the elliptical trainer and use that as my warmup for soccer. I do 46 minutes, 180 strides/min and feel great. I can actually remember when 180/min for more than 15-20 minutes owned me. Now, my heart rate barely gets to 130. But I did break a bit of a sweat, which is all I wanted to do. Then I go play soccer. We have 3 subs, I play hard, run hard, I come home feeling fine. No big deal. No injuries. I'm happy.
I wake up yesterday morning with unexpected tightness in both hips. More of a faint ache, really. I figure it's probably from having used the ET, seeing as I have used one in at least a year. Eh, no biggie. I go run as soon as I get home from work. And that workout just took it out of me. I (once again) didn't complete the final 3GP, I stopped at 2.1GP. Although, this time I don't feel bad about it. I ran solid throughout, running my 4x2T's in 15:58, 16:22, 16:15 & 16:25. I felt good about this considering the winds I was running in. At one point, while running into the wind, a truck passed me, and the gust he produced nearly knocked me off my feet...literally. It kinda scared me, actually. I wasn't expecting that. And the workout from the night before, I decide, makes up for the 0.9 miles. Regardless, that 0.9 isn't a big deal. And my hips were really fatigued at this point. So I called it a night. But this workout, for me anyway, is just so tough. I have the same one next Tuesday, before going back to 3x1-mile cruise-intervals plus 3x800 speed-intervals for 2 weeks. I'd really like to complete this workout in its entirety.
So with that in mind, as well as the fact that the Pig is in 5.5 weeks, and my actuarial exam is in 6.5 weeks, I've decided to take this upcoming 8-week session off from indoor soccer. I really hate to do it, but I've decided I really need that rest day now, given my next 3 Sunday long runs are 18, 19 & 20-milers and Tuesday is my speed workout. Besides, to get hurt at soccer now and risk not being able to run the marathon...well, I can't tell you how off the deep end I'd go after putting in this work.Today, my legs are very tired. Nice easy 3-miler with some striders will be welcomed greatly. I just hope the rain holds off. Glad I brought rain gear today. I don't normally think that far ahead when packing my bag at 6:20 in the morning. First time for everything, I guess.
Mar 23, 2009
New shoes = Renewed Enthusiasm
After getting my new Asics Kayano-15’s on Friday, I was supposed to run a 10K race on Saturday as part of my training for the Pig. Unfortunately, there wasn’t one nearby. So I met with my CCFA buddies for a Saturday morning run. They’re just starting their season, with a mostly new crew of folks (good luck everyone!), and so their run was scheduled for 3 miles. I decided to get out there early, run 3 miles semi-hard, meet them at 7:30am, and run the other 3 miles a little harder, never getting above a PEL of 8.0-8.5. And I thought what better shoes to do this in than my new 15’s? It was, in a word, awesome. I loved it. It felt great to get out there on a brisk 33-degree morning, before the sun has come up, and just run! Plus I was able to get some pretty good turrnover. I felt strong, and that's always encouraging. And I love the shoes. I plan to work about 40-50 miles on them prior to the Pig, and run in them on May 3rd. I just hope I can hold off that much, and save them.
So, after a “light” week, I’m back to the more grueling weeks. My final push of hard training before starting my taper. I’m ready to get after it. And the weather turning nicer is certainly a big boost. We might get some rain, but I can live with that so long as it’s 50+ degrees out there. I love winter running, but I’m ready for nice weather. It just adds such a nice spring in your step. And to have the sun shine warmly on your face, without the roasting feeling you get in summer, is the best.
Week 10 mileage: 33.92
Mar 17, 2009
Week 10, here I come!
Well, all in all, last week was a very good week. The only thing I didn't do, that I should have, was on Thursday. I swapped my Tuesday & Thursday workouts due to time constraints on Tuesday. On Thursday, I only finished with 1.5 miles @ GP, instead of 3 miles. It was getting a little late, family was waiting for me to be home to have dinner, I felt bad about it, so I cut my run short by that mike and a half. I was pretty tired too, so stopping didn't sound like such a bad idea. Turned out, they couldn't wait to eat, and so they went and ate without me! If I had known that was going to happen, I would have finished those final 1.5! I know it really makes little difference in the overall training, but leaving a workout incomplete has always bugged me. But I got over it pretty quickly, so no big deal.
The best part of the week was yesterday, my long run. FINALLY, it looks like spring might actually roll around. Yesterday it was sunny, 57 degrees, and light wind of 5-7 mph. Got through mile 6 feeling really good (same as the previous week). Hit the midway point at a considerably faster pace than I'd been running the past few weeks. Got to mile 11 and still felt really strong. I was thoroughly enjoying this run. When I got to 14, I knew I'd have no issues finishing the final 3 fairly strong. Hit the 17 mile mark 16 seconds FASTER than I hit the 16 mile mark last week, and only 2 minutes slower than I'd hit 16 the week before that. Important part was that I felt far better after finishing yesterday than the previous 2 weeks. So I feel very encouraged right now.
I have no major physical issues to deal with. I have no groin pain, which thrills me. Perhaps I'm going to avoid that injury after all. No pain in my legs, in general. Slight fatigue, but nothing significant. The only (minor) issue I do have is with my right foot. After running yesterday, the skin on the balls of right foot feel like they've been rubbed raw. It's a burning type sensation when I put pressure on them. But upon inspection, there seems to be nothing of note. They look just fine. I'll have to keep note of how long this lasts. I know it's not the shoes, they only had 158 miles on them, going into yesterday. I must simply be landing on my right foot harder than I do my left, and it's caused some discomfort. Nothing I can't handle though, so that's good.
This week is a change-up. Some different workouts, plus a little bit of a rest, from a mileage POV. Gonna see if I can't find a 10K to run this weekend, but last I checked, no 10K's. We'll see.
Week 9 mileage: 44.42Weeks 0-9 mileage: 371.39
Week 10 schedule:
M: WT, NO indoor soccer
T: 1-hour run, including 2x1200 CI (5:56, recovery is half distance), 2x400 SI (1:52, recovery is equal distance), yoga
W: WT, 4 miles
Th: 4x800 SI (3:34, recovery is half distance), 6x100 striders, yoga
F: Rest
Sa: 10K race, WT (optional)
Su: 6-8 miles
Mar 13, 2009
Uneventful week so far
I did have a very good day at the gym on Wednesday. Felt like I lifted strong for the first time in about 2 weeks. It's weird...when I go in there and push myself hard, I feel really good afterward. When I go in and "save" my legs, so I can run strong the day or two after, I don't really feel like I'm saving much of anything anyway. Maybe that's not so weird. Lesson learned. Get in there, and get after it.
My Forerunner is absolutely GREAT. I love it. Why did I ever wait so long to get it?!? I'm using both Motion Based and Sportstracks as well, but I admit, I have to find some time to dig into what each can do, and determine which plugins I think are useful for Sportstracks. I do know that the "Old Man's Activity Documentation" one is worthless. You don't really get much unless you donate money to him. Granted, he does put a lot of time & effort into building a lot of plugins, by the looks of it, I just don't feel like donating money for something when I don't know if it's even worth it.
Tonight, I head up to Lima to see my dad, and then we're going to Bowling Green to watch my old high school basketball team play in the Regional Finals on Saturday. That'll be interesting. I'd love to see them win, but I'll be jealous too. We never should have lost to Sandusky that night, back in 1991. That still bothers me when I think about it. Anyway, 5-miler in the morning tomorrow in my hometown will be nice. Gotta watch what I eat & drink though. I don't always make the best choices when I'm away from home. And I don't want to compromise my long-run on Sunday.
Waste no more time talking about great souls and how they should be. Become one yourself. --Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Roman Emperor, A.D. 161-180 (121 AD - 180 AD)
Mar 9, 2009
I've hit the halfway mark!
Also, for some reason, I decided to run 3 "junk miles" on Friday, which is usually a day off. It was just so nice out; I wanted to get out there during my lunch hour. I've been good about not doing this, but Friday I just couldn't help myself.
Yesterday was the second straight week where I ran 16 miles. I actually considered running 17, just cuz, but at about the 10-mile mark, I knew it wasn't going to happen. I was feeling pretty spent. When I walked out the door, it was just starting to sprinkle, and they'd been calling for rain. So I put on a rain jacket, in anticipation of that. While I knew it would likely make me much warmer than I would have preferred, I figured that was better than being drenched to the bone. Unfortunately, it also created a parachute effect when I ran into the wind, since I tried to keep it only half zipped, to prevent from roasting. Turned out, it never rained during my run. Oh, well. Better safe than sorry, right?
I've also just started experimenting with Gatorade. I hate the stuff, in general (I do like G2). I've been using Cytomax-Tropical Fruit flavor, since November, which I discovered in training with the CCFA for San Antonio. But the Flying Pig uses Gatorade. And I don't want to run with a hydration belt. So, I'm incorporating Gatorade into my runs. I used 8 oz on my Saturday run, and 8 more on Sunday (along with the Cytomax), with no ill effects. I'll ramp this up over the coming weeks. I don't care if I don't like the taste. It's more important to me to be able run as comfortably as possible on race day.
Week 9 coming up, just like week 8. Then for week 10, a "low mileage" week to recharge the batteries. That'll be nice.
Week 8 mileage: 45.69
Weeks 0-8 mileage: 326.97
Week 9 schedule:
M: WT, indoor soccer
T: 2GP/3x2T, 2:00 recovery jog in between/3GP, yoga
W: WT, 3 miles/ 6x100 S
Th: 4x1-mile CI (7:53/mile, recovery is half the distance of the repetition.), yoga
F: Rest
Sa: 5 miles, WT (optional)
Su: 17 miles
Mar 6, 2009
With spring weather, comes...
One day a swarm of mosquitoes complained to God.
Mar 4, 2009
My new toy
Mar 3, 2009
Lots of changes coming
So over the next few weeks, I hope that this becomes much more interesting. Perhaps no one will ever follow it, and that's fine. If nothing else, it'll help me to organize all the notes, links, etc. that I have scattered all over the place.
Mar 2, 2009
Becoming a podcast junkie
And in listening to a recent one, I learned about Adam20, Adam Tinkoff's new podcast. I've listened to episodes 1 & 2 so far. Also, good stuff.
There are so many more out there to get to. But for now, I'll stick with these, and slowly add as I go along. I've got about 160 Phedip episodes that I could potentially still listen to (not that I'll listen to all of them). I think my next addition will be the runner's roundtable.
This week was better
Week 7 mileage: 42.62
Weeks 0-7 mileage: 281.28
Week 8 schedule:
M: WT, NO indoor soccer
T: 2GP/3x2T, 2:00 recovery jog in between/3GP, yoga
W: WT, 3 miles/ 6x100 S
Th: 4x1-mile CI (7:53/mile, recovery is half the distance of the repetition.), yoga
F: Rest
Sa: 5 miles, WT (optional)
Su: 16 miles